Sunday, July 24, 2011

Learning to Drive on the Left Side of the Road

Three weeks have past and I am feeling quite guilty for not providing any updates since, please forgive me. The first two weeks here Autumn and I were in staff training; reviewing the YWAM core values, having lots of prayer and Bible study, and discussing the mission and tools we would use for this [Sailing] Discipleship Training School (DTS). Our focus is God and sailing is only a tool. This last week was an orientation for our students who have just arrived. We have nine students ages 18 – 23; one from Canada, one from South Africa, one from Australia and the rest from the US. Not all DTS's use sailing, this idea came from the hearts of the school leaders who worked onboard the YWAM sailing vessel, Next Wave for two years. They discovered how much unity and teamwork is required and the success is immediate, i.e. catching wind in the sails and moving forward. It is such an incredible tool for discipleship, just think of how many times we find Jesus giving instruction and teaching by the sea. Also there is nothing quite like being in the powerful ocean and realizing how little control you have over your circumstances. It is a humbling experience and an incredible place to find God.
Now, a brief description of YWAM. The founder of Youth With A Mission, Loren Cunningham had a vision (which is more finely outlined in the book “Is That Really You God?”), a vision of young people going into all nations, and sharing the love of God through their actions and words and teaching others about His nature and Character. YWAM is now operating in more than 1000 locations in over 180 nations, with a staff of over 18,000; and each year thousands more ages 18 to 50 and up, go through a DTS. (See: for more info).
So, how are Autumn and I doing? Well, very well; although, we have yet to find any decent coffee. A few days ago I drove for my very first time in England. Driving on the opposite side of the road wasn't all that hard of an adjustment, however, the incredibly narrow roads was a bit maddening. It was a five mile adventure that became a ten mile: “Uh, this can't be the right way.” Now, we did get directions, but we hesitated to follow the last little bit, a sense of doubt crept in. It was a funny event, the turn we were supposed to make we kept doubting, and we couldn't see that our destination was no more than 100 ft down that road. So we kept driving around (quite annoyed, while I kept making illegal turnarounds in the middle of the street) heading down all other roads except the one we were told. Our logic and reasoning seemed to make sense, the road said to the motorway, to London, and we definitely didn't want to end up on the highway. Our destination though was a service station just before you entered the motorway, oh jeez. It turned out to be some good driving practice for me and an opportunity to exercise patience in our marriage, which we failed to do. But, in the end we had a good laugh, kissed and made-up, and got to have a great Skype conversation with our nephew Israel. More to come (I would say soon but, I don't want to get your hopes up, I am terrible at this blog thing), much love, Autumn and Adam LeGuerre.

Post Script: The students had their first sail yesterday afternoon, it went quite well. More to come on the next post.

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